A BRIEF HISTORY OF BLAGAJ Introduction The Blagaj area is rich in historical remnants from various periods of human existence and has now become a renowned tourist destination. Detailed information about Blagaj, its attractions, and history can be found online with numerous pages dedicated to it. However, most casual visitors do not have the time or inclination to delve deep into the historical texts about Blagaj's past. As the famous saying goes, "history is written by the winners." The history of the South Slavic countries and the Balkans in general is filled with “winners” and “losers”, resulting in multiple "versions" of history depending on the perspective of the author. Today, with the abundance of information on the internet, it can be challenging to discern the "correct" version, especially for younger generations. In this text, I have aimed to rely on well-known historical facts from reputable sources without personally engaging ...
Zapis o precima U ljeto 2018 posjetih u Vranjevi ćima, zajedno sa Esminom, Mehu Obada, trenutno najstarijeg Obada iz ovog kraja, 78 g. Prilično zdrav i skroz priseban čovjek. On mi je objasnio naše porodično stablo jedno koljeno dalje. U Vranjevićima ima 2-3 linije Obada, ali je samo Mehina linija u direktnom srodstvu sa nama (mada najvjerovatnije, svi Obadi iz Vranjevića imaju zajedničke pretke.) Tako je i Selim govorio. Meho ispriča: Pradedo mu se zvao Mustafa Obad i (koristeći aproksimaciju 25 godina po generaciji) rodio se negdje oko 1835. Mustafa je imao 9 sinova i jednu kćerku. Jedan od sinova je bio Mehmed,rodio se otprilike 1860 (aproksimacija) i umro 1929 (tačan podatak). To je otac Selimovog oca Muje.(Jedan od ostalih Mustafinih sinova, Ibrahim je bio pradedo ovog Mehe pripovjedača, znači Mustafa Obad je bio naš zajednički predak. Mehmed je još stigao služiti vojni rok u Turskoj vojsci gdj...